Sunday, April 27, 2014

A New Beginning

Just like the beautiful picture of spring flowers that I took recently in Israel, I have decided to begin a new blog that can be viewed by everyone.  I had many people tell me they wanted to follow my blog but since it was published on Google it was difficult to access for those not having a Gmail address.  This new blog address has many advantages and gives me a 'new' look.  I hope you will visit me often and talk to me via this link.  I have copied my past posts so that you can see what I've been writing since February.  When I was copying the old posts, I realized that I have been learning and growing throughout this process.  It makes me realize that I am truly a work in progress both in writing and in living.

Paul encouraged the Thessalonians when he wrote, "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love everyone of you has for each other is increasing."  Thessalonians 1:3 (NIV)   Does that describe you in your walk with the Lord?  I like to think it describes me, but in reality I have to be truthful and say I wish it did.  So often I want to complain and tell the Lord that I like things as they are.  He reminds me that growing more like Him is a process and if you are not moving forward you are going backward.  There is no standing still.  Writing these blogs and stretching myself to learn new technology is painful.  I would rather not have to learn new technology but then again I know there is no standing still.  I can't get God's word out to others if I just use what I have- I need to reach out and up.

I was complaining about learning to work with this software and how hard it was.  I said," I'd rather quilt!"  My daughter so wisely reminded me that I did not start out making complicated quilts either.  It took a lot of time and patience to develop my quilting skills.   That is so true.  I need to be patient with myself  and know it is enough for my Lord if I am moving upward and onward and not being content to stand still.

I pray that I will hear from many of you on this new blog site.  Be sure to like me and pass it on to your friends.  I have several tabs where you can see more about me, upcoming events and even a link to purchase or view my book from my publisher.  That marvel of technology was provided by my daughter's friend, thank you Mr. R!   My book is also available at and Barnes and   I linked to my publisher so you would have an opportunity to support a Christian business.  You might find other books you would like by Christian authors on the full sight.
Check my new blog on
Try to be patient with yourself this week but look for growth.  It will be there when you least expect it!

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