Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2, Peace from Thankfulness

    “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”   Philippians 4:6-7    (ESV)

 Promise:  God promises to give me peace, guard my heart and mind and relieve my anxiety when I pray with a thankful heart.

Why is it important to know this promise?

God’s character is revealed:  His accessibility, compassion, sovereignty, protection, peace and comfort.
Promise provides me with:  peace within for both my body and mind, relief of anxiety, assurance of his sovereignty in all the circumstances I face, accessibility through prayer to the creator and God of the universe, and results.

       So often in this hectic season, we crave just a little peace!  I love this promise as it assures me that if I approach God with a heart filled with thankfulness I will receive peace.  Why a thank filled heart?  Thankfulness takes the focus off of all the needs and wants we are facing and retunes us towards God.  He has made all that there is and knows what we are facing.  Turning to God in thankfulness ‘reboots’ our hearts and minds to be open to his work and peace in our lives.  Try it today- list things you are thankful for before you petition God for what is bothering you.  He promises that it will result in peace of mind and body.  Good news for this busy season!



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