Honor is our word for today. I was reading the account in Luke where the angel appeared to Mary. She was afraid, puzzled and then accepting of the message the angel delivered. The angel said, “For nothing is impossible with God.” “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said”. Then the angel left her. Luke 1:37 The angel told her she had found favor with God and she would bear the Messiah. Her son would be named Jesus, Son of the Most High, a king to reign forever. As she pondered these things, I’m sure she began to accept the honor that God had bestowed upon her. She would be the mother of the savior of all mankind.
Have you ever been given an honor that came with a lot of responsibility or ‘strings’? In the school district where I worked, each school would nominate a teacher for ‘Teacher of the Year’. Then a group would decide which teacher would go on to compete for ‘Teacher of the Year’ in our county. It was a lengthy process that involved speech making, writing out educational philosophy, observations, etc. At the end of the process, someone would be chosen to represent our county and then go on to compete at the state level. It was a great honor but came with a lot of additional work. I think Mary was so honored. Yes, she was mother of the savior. But, she had to watch her little one grow and leave, see him be persecuted, hated and even crucified on a cross as a common criminal. With great responsibility and honor comes pain, suffering and dedication to the cause. Mary was so honored. Her response, ‘May it be to me as you have said.’ speaks of her total acceptance and humility before God.
How are you honoring God? Do you strive to do His work in your life? Do others see God’s work and presence in you? Be like Mary today and honor God with your responses and actions.
To His glory and honor,
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